Hazelgreen Baptist Church History 1951 - Now
Seeking to establish a Baptist Church in an area that did not have one, Hazelgreen Baptist Church began as a mission out of Calvary Baptist Church in Harvey, IL in 1951. Their first meeting place was on the second floor of the Masonic Lodge located at 127th Street and Western Ave in Blue Island, IL. They incorporated as a church on June 17, 1951, with the name Blue Island Missionary Baptist Church with eleven charter members and called C.W. Dickerson as their first pastor. The church grew and moved to a rented storefront at 124th Street and Western Ave in Blue Island, IL where it remained until 1958 when the property at 5201 W 115th Street in what was then an unincorporated area known as the Hazelgreen Community. The church changed their name to Beulah Missionary Baptist Church at this time since they were no longer in Blue Island. This building was originally a train station bunkhouse where railroad workers slept and ate. It had been turned into a house, a small white wood frame building, by the time the church bought it in 1958. On June 22, 1959, they called Alfie Liverette as pastor.
Bro. John C. Reed was called to pastorate and ordained on February 7, 1960, and under his leadership the church continued to grow and enlarge its ministry. On June 19, 1960, the Articles of Incorporation were filed with the Secretary of State to rename the church Hazelgreen Missionary Baptist Church. On May 19, 1965, the church voted to buy the adjoining property on the west side. This purchase gave the church a parsonage and a considerable amount of land for expansion.
Every Thursday members of the church went out into the Hazelgreen community to ask residents if they had been to church recently. They went two by two, as the disciples were sent, and if they came upon someone who didn’t have a church, they introduced them to HBC. The church had large growth in the early 1970’s and the little white church building became too small for the size of the congregation. Pastor John C. Reed felt the need to enlarge the church to accommodate the larger crowd and to increase the Sunday School rooms. He successfully brought the church through a bond program to finance the building of a new church building. The bonds ranged from $250 to $1000, with 8.5% interest rate. The amount needed to finance the building of a new church was $122,000. Pastor Reed broke ground for the new building on September 17, 1975, and on October 11, 1975, all the bonds were sold. Dedication of the new building was held on March 7, 1976.
Pastor John C. Reed served as pastor for 21 years until he preached his last sermon on Sunday night, August 31, 1980. He preached on ‘Some things that will not be in Heaven’. Pastor was called to Heaven at approximately 3:00 am on September 1, 1980.
On February 1, 1981, Ron Noffsinger was called to pastorate. He resigned in March 1985. In August 1985, Marvin Dowdy, a longtime friend of Pastor Reed, was called to pastor the church. Due to poor health, he resigned on May22, 1988. Robert Parnell was called to pastor on June 1, 1989, and resigned in November 1994. Michael Stallard was called to pastor in July 1995 and changed the name of the church to Solid Rock Baptist Church. He remained the pastor until his resignation on August 27, 2003.
John R. Reed, son of John C. Reed, has served here as pastor from August 27, 2003, until the present. On that date the church had a membership of 47 people. The members voted to rename the church Hazelgreen Baptist Church.
The church has seen many visitors and members pass through the doors over the past 74 years, 1951-2025. Many people have trusted Jesus as their Lord and Savior, followed by baptism into the church. Others have joined the church through a transfer of membership. A great deal of persons have surrendered or rededicated their lives to serve the Lord at Hazelgreen Baptist Church. Among the current members is someone who has been a member since 1956, and seven others since the 1960s.
HBC has seen eight men in the church surrender to preach the gospel, two of which went on to pastor churches. Also, one man surrendered to become a missionary, one preached in a jail ministry, and another founded a Boy's Home. Most of these men also preached at local nursing homes. All preached at Hazelgreen and were called to fill in at other churches as needed.
HBC has always been a mission-minded church, fulfilling the Great Commission as found in Matthew 28:18-20. Along with witnessing to family, friends, neighbors, and coworkers, HBC is currently supporting approximately 25 missionaries in the United States and all over the world, seeing numerous Missionary Baptist churches established as a result. One of these missionaries has been supported by the church since 1969 and another since 1975.
HBC has been involved in many ministries and activities since its beginning. Along with Sunday morning Sunday School there have been Sunday evening Bible Training Union classes, Discipleship Classes, Junior Church (Children's Church), Wednesday evening Bible studies and prayer meetings, visitation programs, Ladies Bible Studies and Men’s Fellowship meetings. HBC has had Wednesday evening Kings’ Kids, Awanas and Kid’s Club for the children. Bus ministries have brought in children and adults alike. The average attendance between 1977 and 1985 was 150 with two buses bringing in approximately 75 per Sunday.
Yearly Mission Conferences are held with various missionaries attending and preaching. HBC has had a Jail, Pregnancy Center, a Nursing Home Ministry, Pacific Garden Missions and the Ladies Gospel League Home. Once a month, someone would go there to preach, and different members would volunteer to go sing. The Gideons are also supported here. Throughout the years, week-long revivals have been held with guest preachers attending. There have been choirs, special music, concerts, Christmas Programs, and a yearly Thanksgiving service. Also, yearly Vacation Bible Schools for the children have been conducted.
Even though the Lord’s work has always been the focus here, there has also been time to have fun and enjoy Christian fellowship. HBC has had a Cub Scout troop, played softball in a Christian league, Teen Clubs, Senior Citizen Breakfasts, Breakfast Fellowships, potluck dinners, God and Country Day picnics and games celebrating Independence Day. Each year, Vacation Bible School is ended with a special day or evening. One year all the children were taken to Santa’s Village Amusement Park for the day. Annual picnics with grilling and games have been held in the forest preserves or the parking lot of the church.
Hazelgreen Baptist Church has had a 74 year-long history of preaching and teaching God’s Word faithfully and caring about the souls of those within and without the church membership.
“Going to and teaching all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen”
And our prayer is that we may continue to do so until the Lord comes back again.